Ready for a visit?

Looking for a new employment opportunity? Just have questions about the area?
Reach out to Alyvia here at FloridaWest and she’ll send you everything you need to start making your move to the CyberCoast!


Are you bringing your job, looking for a new one, or both? Please tell us a bit about yourself in the space below

    Thinking of bringing your company here? We’d love to have you.

    On behalf of FloridaWest Economic Development Alliance, I want to invite you to see the CyberCoast in person and find out more about our great business climate and exceptional quality of life.


    Whether you are a start-up entrepreneur, emerging stage-two business, high-growth company, or a mature expanding enterprise, we’re seriously committed to helping your business grow. Give me a call or shoot me an email and let’s discuss how your business can be even more successful on the CyberCoast.
    I look forward to talking with you!

    Scott Luth

    Chief Executive Officer, Florida West EDA

    3 West Garden Street Suite 618 Pensacola, FL
    M: P.O. Box 1992 Pensacola, FL 32591

    T: 850.898.2201 | C: 850.375.1060

    P.S. Want to know more about available sites, workforce and demographics? Visit

    Already Here?

    If you are a Cyber Company hiring along the CyberCoast, let us know if you would like to link up.

    Photos courtesy of Visit Pensacola.